History Quiz on Invention by Scientists with Answers - Round 1 to 5

by Santosh Kumar Biswa, Damphu Central School, Bhutan

Quiz on Invention by Scientists with Answers - 1

1.      Who invented Adding Machine in 1642?
2.      Who invented Motorcycle in 1884?
3.      Who invented Microscope in 1590?
4.      Who invented Cinema in 1895?
5.      Who invented Radio in 1901?
6.      Name the person who invented Refrigerator?
7.      In which year was Refrigerator invented?
8.      Name the person who invented Scooter?
9.      In which year was Scooter invented?
10.  Name the person who Telephone invented?
11.  In which year was Telephone invented?
12.  Name the person who invented Thermometer?
13.  In which year was Thermometer invented?
14.  Name the person who invented Watch?
15.  In which year was Watch invented?
16.  Name the person who invented the mechanical clock?
17.  When was Sewing Machine invented? Who invented it?
18.  When was Fountain Pen invented? Who invented it?
19.  When was Bicycle invented? Who invented it?
20.  When was Printing Press invented? Who invented it?

Answer to Quiz on Invention by Scientists - 1

1.      Pascal, France
2.      Edward Butler, England
3.      Z. Jansen, Netherlands
4.      A.L. and J.L. Lumiere, France
5.      G. Marconi, England
6.      J. Harrison and A. Catlin, Britian
7.      1834
8.      G. Bradshaw, England
9.      1919
10.  Alexander Graham Bell, USA
11.  1876
12.  Galileo Galilee, Italy
13.  1593
14.  A.L.  Breguet, France
15.  1791
16.  Hsing and Ling –Tsan, China, 1725
17.  1830, B. Thimmonnier, France
18.  1884, LE. Waterman, USA
19.  1839, K. Macmillan, Scotland
20.  1455, J. Gutenberg, Germany

Quiz on Invention by Scientists with Answers - 2

1.      When was X-ray invented? Who invented it?
2.      From which country was Rubber (Vulcanized) originated? Who invented it?
3.      From which country was Rubber (Waterproof) originated? Who invented it?
4.      From which country was Telescope originated? Who invented it?
5.      From which country was Electric Iron originated? Who invented it?
6.      From which country was Microphone originated? Who invented it?
7.      When and who invented Jet Engine?
8.      When and who invented Dynamo?
9.      When and who invented Computer?
10.  When and who invented Television?
11.  When and who invented Diesel engine?
12.  Name the scientist who invented Machine Gun?
13.  When was Machine Gun invented?
14.  Name the scientist who invented Aeroplane?
15.  When was Aeroplane invented?
16.  Name the scientist who invented Tractor?
17.  When was Tractor invented?
18.  Name the scientist who invented Transistor?
19.  When was invented Transistor?
20.  When was Balloon invented? By whom was it invented?

Answer to Quiz on Invention by Scientists - 2

1.      1895, Wilhelm Roentgen, Germany
2.      USA, Charles Good year, 1841
3.      Scotland, Charles Macintosh, 1819
4.      Netherlands, Hans Lippershey, 1608
5.      USA, H.W. Seeley, 1882
6.      USA, David Hughes, 1878
7.      1937, Sir Frank whittle, England
8.      1831, Michael Faraday, England
9.      1834, Charles Babbage, Britain
10.  1926, John logie bared, Scotland
11.  1892, Rudolf diesel, Germany
12.  Richard Gatling, USA
13.  1861
14.  Wright brothers, USA
15.  1903
16.  J. Froehlich, USA
17.  1892
18.  Bardeen & Shockley, USA & UK
19.  1949
20.  1783, Jacques and Joseph Montgolfier, France

Quiz on Invention by Scientists with Answers - 3

1.      When was Barometer invented? By whom was it invented?
2.      When was Dynamite invented? By whom was it invented?
3.      When was Gramophone invented? By whom was it invented?
4.      When was Nylon invented? By whom was it invented?
5.      When was Safety pin invented? By whom was it invented?
6.      When was Ball –Point pen invented? By whom was it invented?
7.      When was Steam engine (Piston) invented? By whom was it invented?
8.      When was Tank invented? By whom was it invented?
9.      Who Invented Stainless steel in 1913?
10.  Who Invented The Typewriter in 1868?
11.  Name the scientist who invented Calculating Machine?
12.  Name the scientist who invented Electromagnetin1824?
13.  Name the scientist who invented Lift in 1852?
14.  Name the scientist who invented the Cinematograph in 1891?
15.  Name the scientist who invented Motor Car (Petrol)?
16.  Name the scientist who invented Safety Lamp in 1816?
17.  When and who invented Gas Lighting?
18.  When and who invented Telegraph code?
19.  When and who invented Electric lamp?
20.  When and who invented Cine Camera?

Answer to Quiz on Invention by Scientists - 3

1.      1644, E. Torricelli, Italy
2.      1867, Alfred Nobel, Sweden
3.      1878, T.A. Edison, USA
4.      1937, Dr W.H. Carothers, USA
5.      1849, William Hurst, USA
6.      1938, C. Biro, Hungary
7.      1712, Thomas Newcome, Britain
8.      1914, Sir Ernest Swington, England
9.      Henry Bessemer, England
10.  C. Sholes, USA
11.  Pascal, France, 1642
12.  W. Sturgeon, England
13.  E.G. Otis, USA
14.  Thomas Alva Edison, USA
15.  Karl –Benz, Germany, 1885
16.  Sir Humphrey, England
17.  1794, William Murdoch, Scotland
18.  1837, Samuel F.B. Morse, USA
19.  1879, Thomas Alva Edison, USA
20.  1889, Friese-Greene, Britain

Quiz on Invention by Scientists with Answers - 4

1.      When and who invented Photography (Paper)?
2.      When and who invented Revolver?
3.      When and who invented Centigrade Scale?
4.      When and who invented Film (with sound)?
5.      When and who invented Zip fastener?
6.      Who invented Gunpowder? When?
7.      Who invented the Contact-Lenses?
8.      Who discovered the cure for scurvy (a disease caused by a deficiency in the diet)?
9.      Who discovered the Malaria Parasite?
10.  Who was the Founder of Homoeopathy?
11.  When was the Iron-Lung invented?
12.  Who invented Iron-Lung?
13.  Who first isolated bacilli?
14.  Who invented the first man-made insecticide, D.D.T.?
15.  When was D.D.T. invented?
16.  Who invented the Bifocal lens?
17.  When was Bifocal lens invented?
18.  When was Oxygen discovered?
19.  Who discovered Oxygen?
20.  Who discovered the importance of vaccination against Small-Pox in 1796?

Answer to Quiz on Invention by Scientists – 4

1.      1835.,W.H. Fox Tablot, England
2.      1835. Samuel Colt, USA
3.      1742, A. Celsius, France
4.      1923, Dr. Lee de forest, USA
5.      1891, W.L. Judson, USA
6.      Roger Bacon, 1280
7.      A. E. Fink in 1887
8.      James Lind (1716-94)
9.      Ronald Ross
10.  C.F.S. Hahnemann
11.  1929
12.  Philip Drinker of Harvard, USA
13.  Robert Koch (1885)
14.  Paul Muller
15.  1939
16.  Benjamin Franklin
17.  1780
18.  1774
19.  J.B. Priestley
20.  Sir Edward Jenner

Quiz on Invention by Scientists with Answers - 5

1.      Who discovered the Anti-Rabies Vaccine in 1882?
2.      When was first heart Transplantation carried out?
3.      Who pioneered Heart Transplantation operation?
4.      What did René Laennec discovered in 1816?
5.      Who discovered Insulin in 1932 which gave relief to sufferers of diabetes?
6.      Who discovered the ‘benefits of chloroform surgery’ in 1847?
7.      Who discovered Radium to fight against the dreaded disease, cancer?
8.      Who is regarded as the Father of Psychoanalysis?
9.      Who produced the first really useful TV system?
10.  What did Alessandro Volta invent in 1800?
11.  Who set up the first English printing press?
12.  Who invented Xerography in 1938?
13.  For what invention is Sir Humphrey Davy famous?
14.  Who invented Lifts?
15.  Who invented Glass?
16.  Who invented Steel?
17.  Who invented Safety razor in 1901?
18.  Who invented Ironing board in 1892?
19.  Who invented Friction Matches in 1827?
20.  Who invented Video-tape recorder in 1960?

Answer to Quiz on Invention by Scientists - 5
1.      Louis Pasteur
2.      1967
3.      Dr. Christian Barnard
4.      Stethoscope
5.      Frederick Banteng
6.      Sir James Simpson
7.      Madam Curie
8.      Dr. Sigmund Freud
9.      J. L. Baird
10.  The Electric Battery
11.  William Caxton
12.  Chester Carbon
13.  The safety lamp for miners
14.  E.G. Otis
15.  Alastair Pilkington
16.  Henry Bessemer
17.  Gillette
18.  Sarah Boone
19.  John Walker
20.  Charles P. Ginsberg, Shelby Anderson Jr. and Ray Dolby


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