Quiz on Dzongs, Monasteries, and Chortens of Bhutan – Round 5

Quiz on Dzongs, Monasteries, and Chortens of Bhutan – Round 5
by Santosh Kumar Biswa, Damphu Central School, Bhutan
1.      What was Nyende Chorten name after?
2.      Who built Desheg Chorten for the first time?
3.      Why was Desheg Chorten built?
4.      Why was Lhabab Chorten built?
5.      Why did the people of Kusinagara build Nyende Chorten?
6.      Who built Trongsa Dzong in 1644?
7.      Why was Drugyel Dzong built in 1649?
8.      Which monastery was built in Thimphu in 1620?
9.      What does The Eight Chorten commemorates?
10.  What Chorten was built to celebrate Buddha’s victory at Rajagriya over his wicked cousin who had sown discord among the monks?
11.  Who first built Yendum Chorten?
12.  What was Yendum Chorten name after?
13.  What was Lhabab Chorten name after?


1.      It was named after Buddha’s passing away
2.      Lord Buddha’s father
3.      Lord Buddha’s father built it to celebrate the birth of his son (Lord Buddha) at Lumbini
4.      It was built to celebrate Buddha’s return to earth after he had ascended to the heaven of the Thirty-Three Gods to preach the doctrine to his mother
5.      To commemorate Buddha’s Nirvana at Kusinagara
6.      Desi Chhogyel Minjur Tenpa
7.      To defend Bhutan from the Tibetan Menace
8.      Cheri Dorjidhen Monastery
9.      Eight different events in Buddha’s life
10.  Yendum Chorten
11.  The king of Rajagriya
12.  It was named after reconciliation
13.  It was named after the descent from the godly heaven


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