Conflicts in "The Merchant of Venice"

The main conflicts in the play "The Merchant of Venice"

There are series of conflicts in the play “The Merchant of Venice.” The conflicts we encounter in the play are as follows:

Firstly, Bassanio, who loves a beautiful and wealthy Portia is bankrupt due to his carelessness in using money as he spent all his money for the purpose of his enjoyment and now when he is attracted to Portia, he is facing problem with money in order to impress and win her. Without money, his dream to marry Portia will go in vain, therefore he goes to Antonio, his best friend, to seek help.

Secondly, Antonio, who cannot deny his best friend, decides to lend money to him after borrowing three thousand ducats from Shylock, a Jewish moneylender and later he has to deal with him in the court. Since Shylock hates Antonio, he decides to give the money after fixing a bond which demands a pound of flesh from his body if he fails to pay it on time. Antonio agrees to it and then he has to go to the court when his ships failed to return to the port.

Thirdly, although Bassanio gets the money, he has to fight against winning Portia by selecting the right casket. If he fails, his effort to win Portia will go astray. Bassanio, in Portia’s house will be fully in tension and is tortured by uncertainty of the result, therefore he hurries to make his choice as early as possible.

Moreover, Portia is also upset because in order to retain her love, she has to go to Venice and save Antonio, whom her husband really loves and is totally worried about because she finds that more than their marriage, he gave more importance to Antonio’s problem.  

Finally, Shylock himself is in tension of getting the justice in the court and to fulfill his desire to take revenge on Antonio. He finds that duke, other officials and the lawyer himself insisting him to have mercy, but he is more towards Antonio’s death by having his bond. 

By: Santosh Kumar Biswa


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