English Language and Literature Quiz - Round 1 to 5 with Answers

Quiz on Language and Literature 1
by Santosh Kumar Biswa, Damphu Central School, Bhutan

1.      When was Geoffrey Chaucer born?
2.      When did Geoffrey Chaucer die?
3.      Who was Geoffrey Chaucer?
4.      Name the poem that Geoffrey Chaucer wrote in John of Gaunt's wife, the Duchess Blanche’s honour
5.      How many lines do the poem The Book of the Duchesse has?
6.      When and where was John Donne born?
7.      Name the poet who followed and developed the use of   “Conceits” that was admired all over Europe?
8.      When was John Dryden born?
9.      When did John Dryden die?
10.  Who wrote the essay Discourse Concerning the     Original and Progress of Satire in 1693?
11.  When was Samuel Johnson born?
12.  When did Samuel Johnson die?
13.  Who wrote the poem Lives of the Poets? When?
14.  Who wrote Devotions upon Emergent Occasions in
15.  When and where was John Milton born?
16.  When did John Milton die?
17.  Name the John Milton’s first major poem?
18.  When did John Milton compose his first poem "The       Nativity Ode"?
19.  Name the elegy written by John Milton in memory of       Edward King in 1637?
20.  When was the first significant English dictionary “Dictionary of the English Language” published?

1.      1343
2.      1400
3.      An English poet
4.      The Book of the Duchesse
5.      1334 lines in octosyllabic couplets
6.      1572 in London
7.      John Donne
8.      1631
9.      1700
10.  John Dryden
11.  1709
12.  1784
13.  Samuel Johnson, 1779
14.  John Donne
15.  1608, London
16.  1674
17.  On the Morning of Christ's Nativity (The Nativity Ode)
18.  For Christmas 1629, when he had just 21 years old.
19.  Lycidas
20.  1755

Quiz on Language and Literature 2
by Santosh Kumar Biswa, Damphu Central School, Bhutan

1.      Who published the first significant English dictionary     “Dictionary of the English Language” published?
2.      When was the first book printed in England?
3.      In which year was the Noble price for literature fast       awarded?
4.      In which year did penguin book fast come out?
5.      Who wrote Ramayana originally?
6.      When was Tagore’s Gitanjali in English version fast        published?
7.      When was Shakespeare born?
8.      When did Shakespeare die?
9.      Name the author of Peter Pass?
10.  Name the first ever Poet Laureate?
11.  Who wrote "A Short History of Nearly Everything" and       "Notes from a Small Island"?
12.  What English military term translates as "little war" in       Spanish?
13.  Name the other name of William Wordsworth's Cottage in Grasmere?
14.  Who wrote the novel ‘Time Machine’?
15.  In which novel was humanity split into two groups       whereby the Eloi live above ground, and the Morlocks       below?
16.  Who wrote "Finnegan's Wake"?
17.  Between which people of particular profession do ECLOGUES take place in literature?
18.  Who wrote the novel Dracula?
19.  Where did Dracula come ashore in England in the novel Dracula?
20.  Who wrote the novel "Ben Hur"?


1.      Samuel Johnson
2.      1477
3.      1901
4.      1935
5.      Valmiki
6.      1912
7.      1564
8.      1616
9.      Sir James Barry
10.  John Dryden
11.  Bill Bryson
12.  Guerrilla
13.  Dove Cottage
14.  H G Wells
15.  Time Machine
16.  James Joyce
17.  Shepherds
18.  Bram Stoker
19.  Whit by
20.  Lew Wallace

Quiz on Language and Literature 3
by Santosh Kumar Biswa, Damphu Central School, Bhutan

1.      Who wrote the book Harry Potter?
2.      Which two writers declined the Literature Nobel Price?
3.      Who wrote Gulliver’s Travels?
4.      Who wrote the novel ‘Animal Farm’?
5.      Who wrote the Book "Four Essays on Liberty"?
6.      Who was the first Asian to win the Nobel Prize?
7.      Who wrote the preface to the English translation of Gitanjali?
8.      Who personifies England?
9.      Name the famous poet who killed herself at age thirty-one by sticking her head in a gas oven.
10.  From what language does the word ‘alphabet’ originated?
11.  What is Walt Whitman’s famous book of poetry called?
12.  Who controlled everything in George Orwell’s book, 1984?
13.  What are the three articles of the English language?
14.  Who wrote The Canterbury Tales?
15.  Who wrote the book Gandhi’s Emissary?
16.  Which Bronte sister wrote 'Jane Eyre'?
17.  Name two major Romantic Novelists.
18.  The Victorian Age is marked roughly by whose reign of England from 1837-1901?
19.  What is the most distinctive and lasting literary achievement of Victorian literature?
20.  Who introduced the iambic pentameter line, the rhyming couplet and other rhymes used in Italian poetry in English Literature?


1.      JK Rowling
2.      Boris Pasternak and Jean-Paul Sartre
3.      Jonathon Swift
4.      George Orwell
5.      Isaiah Berlin
6.      Rabindranath Tagore
7.      WB Yeasts
8.      John Bull
9.      Sylvia Plath
10.  Greek -alpha beta
11.  Leaves of Grass
12.  Big Brother
13.  A, an, & the
14.  Geoffrey Chaucer
15.  Sudhir Ghosh
16.  Charlotte
17.  Charlotte Bronte (1816-55) and Emily Bronte(1818-48)
18.  Queen Victoria
19.  The novel
20.  Chaucer

Quiz on Language and Literature 4
by Santosh Kumar Biswa, Damphu Central School, Bhutan

1.      Who was the greatest of Elizabethan lyric poets?
2.      Name one of the greatest epic works of world literature.
3.      Name Chaucer’s first narrative poem written shortly after the death of Blanche, Duchess of Lancaster, first wife of John Gaunt, in September 1369.
4.      When did Jane Austen write Pride and Prejudice?
5.      When was Jane Austen born?
6.      When did Jane Austen die?
7.      What is the biting literary tool used by Chaucer in his Canterbury Tales?
8.      What are the three prominent characteristics of Romanticism?
9.      Which sonnet written by Percy Bysshe Shelly shows the story builds around the Egyptian sculpture?
10.  Which sonnet written by John Keats shows the story builds around an antique urn?
11.  What was a medieval European conception of nobly and chivalrously expressing love and admiration?
12.  Who popularized the term "courtly love" first in 1883?
13.  Name the major authors of the ‘Middle Ages’ whose works contain the literary convention of courtly love.
14.  In which medieval genres courtly love conventions can be found?
15.  What were tempered by the Rules of Courtly Love of the ‘Middle Ages’?
16.  Who wrote the crime novel "Ten Little Niggers"?
17.  Who wrote the famous storybook 'Alice's Adventures in Wonderland'?
18.  Which era was considered as a golden age in English history?
19.  Name the Romantic poets who were also called as the Lake Poets.
20.  Name the book that opens with the line 'All children, except one grew up'?


1.      John Donne
2.      The Canterbury Tales
3.      The Book of the Duchess
4.      1813
5.      1775
6.      1817
7.      Satire
8.      Interest in the past, art, and immortality
9.      Ozymandias
10.  Ode on a Grecian Urn
11.  Courtly love
12.  Gaston Paris
13.  Geoffrey Chaucer, John Gower, Dante, Marie de France, Chretien de Troyes, Gottfried von Strasburg, and Malory
14.  The lyric, the Romance, and the allegory
15.  The violence and wars
16.  Agatha Christie
17.  Lewis Carroll
18.  The Elizabethan era
19.  Wordsworth, Coleridge and Southey
20.  Peter pan

Quiz on Language and Literature 5
by Santosh Kumar Biswa, Damphu Central School, Bhutan

1.      What are two major types of literature?
2.      What includes oral literature?
3.      What includes written literature?
4.      Why were Wordsworth, Coleridge and Southey called as Lake Poets?
5.      When did English Romanticism begin?
6.      When did English Romanticism end?
7.      What period was a revolt of the English imagination against the neoclassical reason?
8.      Name the first and foremost English woman novelist.
9.      Which essayist in English Romanticism wrote Essays of Elia; Tales from Shakespeare?
10.  Who was noted for his historical novel based on Scottish history and legends?
11.  When was William Wordsworth born?
12.  When did Wordsworth and Coleridge publish their Lyrical Ballads?
13.  What are the masterpieces of the English Gothic novel?
14.  Who was Geoffrey Chaucer?
15.  What type of tone did Chaucer use in his writing?
16.  What was the age of Shakespeare when he married to Anne Hathaway in 1582?
17.  In which poem Andrew Marvell gives the conventional argument of the seducer?
18.  Whose name is recorded in the Oxford English Dictionary as the first author to use many common English words in his writings?
19.  What was Wordsworth’s greatest contribution to English literature?
20.  Which essayist in English Romanticism wrote Biographia Literaria?


1.      Written and oral literature
2.      Oral literature includes ballads, myth, jokes, folktales and fables
3.      Written literature includes drama, novel, poetry and nonfictional literature
4.      Because they lived and knew one another in the last few years of the 18th century in the district of the great lakes in Northwestern England
5.      1798, with the publication of Wordsworth and Coleridge’s The Lyrical Ballads
6.      1832, with Walter Scott’s death
7.      English Romanticism
8.      Jane Austen
9.      Charles Lamb
10.  Walt Scott
11.  1770
12.  1798
13.  Frankenstein (1818) by Mary Shelley and The Mysteries  of Udolpho (1794) by Ann Radcliffe
14.  Geoffrey Chaucer was an English author, poet, philosopher, bureaucrat, courtier and diplomat
15.  Delicate, subtle, and oblique
16.  Eighteen
17.  To His Coy Mistress
18.  Geoffrey Chaucer
19.  His poems and his Preface to The Lyrical Ballads
20.  S.T. Coleridge


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