by Santosh Kumar Biswa, Damphu Central School, Bhutan

General Knowledge Quiz 31

1.      Name the animal that lives in a drey?
2.      How many moons does Jupiter have?
3.      How many stars are there in Orion’s Belt?
4.      Which Capital city is reputed to be the oldest in the world?
5.      Who are Bedouins?
6.      Who were the ancestors of the Norwegians?
7.      Name the first person to excavate Troy and Mycenae
8.      Name all the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World?
9.      Who was the founder of Persia?
10.  What do you mean by The Iron Age?
11.  In which country did the Boxer Rebellion take place in 1900?
12.  Which two countries recently inaugurated gas pipeline?
13.  Which river flows from Germany, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Yugoslavia and Romania?
14.  What types of babies are called as “Blue Babies”?
15.  Who rides in a Gondola?
16.  What form of transport was developed by Igor Sikorsky?
17.  Name the seventh Secretary-General of the United Nations serving from 1997 to 2006.
18.  Name the most significant black leader who stood against racism and apartheid in South Africa, while many in the world were silent.
19.  Name the person who was the fortieth President of the United States? 
20.  Who was the thirty third governor of California?


1.  Squirrel
2.  16
3.  Three
4.  Damascus
5.  Wandering tribes of Arabia and North Africa
6. The Vikings
7. Schliemann
8. The Seven Wonders of ancient world are:
a. The Pyramids of Egypt
b. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon
c. The Statue of Zeus at Olympia
d. The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus
e. The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus
f. The Colossus of Rhodes
g. The Pharaohs (Lighthouse) of Alexandria
9. Cyrus the Great (between 500-400 B.C.)
10. The period when people used iron tools and weapons,
       which began about 1200 B.C. and Lasted about 1000
11. China
12. China-Kazakhstan
13. Blue Danube
14. Babies born with defective hearts
15. A Venetian
16. The helicopter
17. Kofi Annan
18. Nelson Mandela
19. Ronald Reagan
20. Ronald Reagan

General Knowledge Quiz 32

1.      Name the largest web-footed bird?
2.      Which English county has the smallest perimeter?
3.      Which metal is obtained from the mineral cinnabar?
4.      What is the most common name for British Pubs?
5.      Which state of North America is called the Potato State?
6.      Name the biggest delta in the world.
7.      Who was the first Governor General of Pakistan?
8.      The “Reign of Terror” is associated with what country?
9.      What does the letter H stands for in ‘H-bomb’?
10.  How many books are in the Harry Potter series?
11.  Who was the first man to fly across the channel?
12.  Which country claims the world's tallest building?
13.  Who is the founder of social networking site Facebook?
14.  Who is the current CEO of social networking site Facebook?
15.  The United Arab Emirates (UAE) comprise of how many emirates?
16.  Which insect accurately indicates the air temperature?
17.  What does a numismatist do?
18.  What does philatelist do?
19.  What does a taxidermist do?
20.  Which is the only day named after a planet?


1.      Albatross
2.      Isle of Wight
3.      Mercury
4.      Red Lion
5.      Idaho
6.      Ganges Delta
7.      Mohammed Ali Jinnah
8.      Germany
9.      Hydrogen
10.  Seven
11.  Louis Bleriot
12.  Malaysia, the twin Petronas Towers at 1,483 feet
13.  Mark Zuckerberg
14.  Mark Zuckerberg
15.  Seven
16.  Cricket
17.  Collects coins
18.  Collects stamps.
19.  Stuffs animals
20.  Saturday

General Knowledge Quiz 33

1.      What is the correct term for a Shooting Star?
2.      In which country was Mel Gibson born?
3.      When was Sir Isaac Newton born?
4.      When did Sir Isaac Newton die?
5.      Where was Sir Isaac Newton born?
6.      Where did Sir Isaac Newton die?
7.      When was Charles Babbage born?
8.      When did Charles Babbage die?
9.      Where was Charles Babbage born?
10.  Where did Charles Babbage die?
11.  Osama Bin Laden associated with what type of activity?
12.  Name the oldest political party in the western world?
13.  Who is Stamford Raffles?
14.  When did the Dutch declare independence for the first time?
15.  What was the most populous tribe of the Iroquois Confederacy?
16.  Which general succeeded Alexander the Great in Thrace?
17.  Which country in South American country had a Monarchy?
18.  By what name was the capital of Cyprus, Nicosia, known?
19.  Where was the first British colony railroad?
20.  In which year France experienced the fall of the Bastille?


1.      A Meteor
2.      USA
3.      4th January, 1643
4.      31st March, 1727
5.      Woolsthorpe, England
6.      London, England
7.      26th December, 1792
8.      18th October, 1871
9.      Teignmouth, England
10.  London, England
11.  Terrorism
12.  The Conservatives, UK
13.  The founder of Singapore
14.  1581
15.  Seneca
16.  Lysimachus
17.  Brazil
18.  Ledra
19.  Jamaica
20.  1789

General Knowledge Quiz 34

1.      In which year did the Nazis invade Russia?
2.      Name the fastest land mammal?
3.       What is the one of the two oldest orchestras in the world?
4.      What do England, France, Spain, and Algeria have in common?
5.      In what position do adult horses normally sleep?
6.      Who made the statement, "I have a dream."?
7.      How many keys will be there on a standard piano?
8.      What is a Rhode Island Red?
9.      Name the largest planet in our solar system.
10.  Name the young girl who wrote to Abraham Lincoln (U.S. President), asking him to grow a beard?
11.  Which famed violinist gave his first public performance at the age of 7?
12.  Who were the twins thrown by their uncle into the Tiber but survived and are supposed to have been suckled by a she-wolf?
13.  Name the world warmest sea.
14.  On which date is Bastille Day celebrated each year?
15.  Which herb is the traditional accompaniment for lamb?
16.  In which country was ice cream invented?
17.  When was Ice Cream invented?
18.  By what name is a Caisson's disease commonly known?
19.  What is the term used to formally giving up the right to rule?
20.  Which language is the most widely spoken in the world?


1.      1941
2.      Cheetah
3.      The New York Philharmonic
4.      Greenwich Meridian
5.      Standing
6.      Martin Luther King
7.      Eighty-eight
8.      Hen
9.      Jupiter
10.  Grace Bedell
11.  Yehudi Menuhin
12.  Romulus and Remus
13.  The Red Sea
14.  14th July
15.  Mint
16.  China
17.  About 200 B.C
18.  The Bends
19.  Abdication
20.  Chinese (Population: 1/3 of the world's total population)

General Knowledge Quiz 35

1.      Which country is the world's largest producer of uranium?
2.      What is Gynarchy?
3.      Which three countries make up Great Britain?
4.      Which country experienced the two worst volcanoes in history?
5.      Which country introduced GNH to the world?
6.      What is Hillary Clinton's middle name?
7.      What is cosmology?
8.      Which company owns the Ferrari and Alfa Romeo car companies?
9.      What do you mean by perjury?
10.  What is Michael Jackson's middle name?
11.  Which famous leader said “Let a hundred flowers bloom”?
12.  Who said “One man’s meat is another man’s poison”?
13.  What is a direct descendant of the dinosaur?
14.  On which London Street is the Sherlock Holmes Museum?
15.  Who was known as the “First Lady of Laughter”?
16.  Who was famously known as The Little Corporal?
17.  Name the only English king who was nicknamed as ‘The Great’?
18.  Who was the first woman Chief Minister of an Indian state?
19.  Which Indian company recently acquired Jaguar and Land Rover?
20.  Name the first Asian woman to become the Mayor of Leicester of Britain.


1.      Canada
2.      A political system governed by a woman
3.      England, Scotland and Wales
4.      Indonesia
5.      Bhutan
6.      Rodham
7.      The study of the structure of the Universe
8.      Fiat
9.      The legal term for wilfully giving false evidence in Court
10.  Joseph
11.  Mao-Tse-Tung
12.  Hippocrates
13.  The bird
14.  Baker St.
15.  Lucille Ball
16.  Napoleon Bonaparte
17.  Alfred
18.  Sucheta Kripalani
19.  Tata Motors
20.  Ms Manjula Sood


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