Quiz on The Great Saints, Lamas, and Desies of Bhutan- Round 4

Quiz on The Great Saints, Lamas, and Desies of Bhutan- Round 4
by Santosh Kumar Biswa, Damphu Central School, Bhutan

1.      Name the first Dorji Lopen to be appointed as Je Khenpo?
2.      Name the Dzong built in Lingzhi by Chogyal Minjur Tenpa.
3.      Name the parents of Pema Lingpa.
4.      Which family in Bhutan is the direct descendent of Pema Lingpa?
5.      Who founded Kuenzang Drag monastery?
6.      In which year Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal arrived in Bhutan from Tibet?
7.      Who unified Bhutan?
8.      Which Lama is also known as a divine madman?
9.      When did Lama Ngawang Chhogyel die?
10.  When was Lama Ngawang Chhogyel born?
11.  Who established Chime Lhakhang near Punakha?
12.  What is Guru Padmasambhava also known as?
13.  When did Guru Padma Sambhava visit Bhutan?
14.  In which century a number of renowned Buddhist masters from both India and Tibet visited Bhutan and left their marks in the forms of monasteries, temples, fortresses and social beliefs and values?
15.  With whom did Zhabdrung marry in 1629?
16.  When was Kuenzang Drag monastery founded?
17.  Who recommended Desi Kuenga Rinchhen as 17th Druk Desi of Bhutan?


1.      Ngawang Lhundup
2.      Yugyel Dzong
3.      Dondrup Zangpo and Pema Dronma
4.      The Dungkar Chhoeje
5.      Pema Lingpa
6.      1616
7.      Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal
8.      Lama Drukpa Kinley
9.      1540
10.  1465
11.  Lama Drukpa Kinley
12.  Guru Rinpoche
13.  747 AD
14.  Between the 8th and 17th Century AD
15.  Thricham Golkar Drolma
16.  1488
17.  Jigme Singye


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