History Quiz on Important Battle with Answers - Round 1 to 8

by Santosh Kumar Biswa, Bhutan
History Quiz on Important Battle with Answers - 1

1.      In which battle Caesar defeated Pompey in 48 A.D?
2.      Which countries were involved in Hundred-year War?
3.      What was the Civil War in England (1455-1485) also known as?
4.      In which war did Spanish and England fleets fought in the England Channel 1588?
5.      What was the result of Battle of Gibraltar Way of 1607?
6.      Which countries were involved in Balkan War I of 1912?
7.      When was Balkan War II fought?
8.      Who defeated Bulgaria during the Balkan War II?
9.      When was World War II started and ended?
10.  When was World War I started and ended?

Answer to Important Battle 1

1.      Battle of Pharsalus.
2.      France and England, 1338- 1453.
3.      War of the Roses.
4.      Anglo-Spanish War (Spanish armada War)
5.      The Dutch defeated the Spanish and Portuguese.
6.      Turkey and Balkan countries (Montenegro, Serbia, Bulgaria and Greece)
7.      1913.
8.      Bulgaria was defeated by combined forces of Serbia, Greece. Rumania, Montenegro who stripped Turkey of most of its European territories.
9.      1939-1945.
10.  1914-1918.

History Quiz on Important Battle with Answers - 2

1.      Which countries fought in the Russo- Japanese War?
2.      When was the Russo- Japanese War fought?
3.      When did the Sino - Japanese War take place?
4.      What was the result of the Sino- Japanese War?
5.      Which countries were involved in the Battle of Leipzig?
6.      When was the Battle of Leipzig fought?
7.      Who was defeated during the Battle of Leipzig?
8.      When was the Battle of the Nile fought?
9.      Which countries fought in the Battle of the Nile?
10.  Which country was victorious during the Battle of the Nile?

Answer to Important Battle 2

1.      Russia and Japan in the Sea of Japan.
2.      1904-1905.
3.      1894-1895.
4.      Japan Defeated China and occupied Formosa and Korea.
5.      Germany and combined force of Austria, Prussia and Russia.
6.      1813.
7.      Napoleon.
8.      1798.
9.      British and French fleets.
10.  British.

History Quiz on Important Battle with Answers - 3

1.      What is Battle of Borodino? 
2.      When was the Battle of Borodino fought?
3.      What were the consequences of the Battle of Borodino?
4.      What do you mean by Seven-Years War?
5.      What is another name of Seven-Years War?
6.      When was Seven-Years War fought?
7.      Name the countries that fought the Battle of Blenheim in 1704?
8.      In which year the First Opium War fought (Trade War)? Why?
9.      Which two countries fought the First Opium War?
10.  When did Thirty-year War started between Lutherans and Catholics in Germany that led to the development into an international war?

Answer to Important Battle 3

1.      The war between France and Russia.
2.      1812.
3.      When Napoleon invaded Russia at Borodino, and nearly defeated the Russians, on reaching Moscow, his army suffered heavy losses and was forced to retreat. Napoleon’s ill-fated attack on Russia market the beginning of the downfall of the French Empire
4.      It was the war between Britain and France against Austria and Prussia.
5.      Anglo-French War III.
6.      1756-1763.
7.      England and Austria headed by Marlborough defended France and Russia.
8.      1840.
9.      China and Britain because Chinese yielded opium. 
10.  1618.

History Quiz on Important Battle with Answers - 4

1.      Which countries defeated Russia in Crimean War (1854-1856)?
2.      In which war did Northern states of America under Abraham Lincoln defeat the Southern states and abolished the slavery?
3.      Who defeated the forces of Khalifa (Mehdits) in the Battle of Omdurman in 1898?
4.      Name the countries that fought with France in the Battle of Austerlitz in 1805?
5.      When was the naval battle between England and Germany- Battle of Jutland fought?
6.      When did Pakistan leave the Commonwealth?
7.      Why did Pakistan leave the Commonwealth?
8.      Who is Scientific Socialism connected to?
9.      Who were the Crusades?
10.  Who conducted Crusades? Why?

Answer to Important Battle 4

1.      The Combined forces of the British, French and Turks
2.      American Civil War (1861- 1865).
3.      The British and Egyptian forces.
4.      Britain, Austria, Russia and Prussia.
5.      1916.
6.      1971
7.      Due to recognition of Bangladesh
8.      Karl Marx.
9.      Christians to liberate the holy land
10.  Crusades were conducted by European Christians to liberate Jerusalem from the domination of Seljuk Turks

History Quiz on Important Battle with Answers - 5

1.      When was Bangladesh created?
2.      To which country do Napoleon Bonaparte belonged?
3.      Which country suffered the maximum in World War II?
4.      To which country did Karl Marx belong?
5.      When was the second atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki?
6.      Which country changed allegiances between World War I and World War II?
7.      When was the first atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima?
8.      Who commanded the English Forces at the Battle of Waterloo?
9.      Who commanded the Opposing Forces at the Battle of Waterloo?

Answer to Important Battle 5

A.      1.1971.
1.      France.
2.      Japan.
3.      Germany.
4.      Aug. 9, 1945.
5.      Japan.
6.      Aug. 6, 1945.
7.      The Duke of Wellington.
8.      Napoleon Bonaparte.
9.      Legendary warriors, Japanese army officers

History Quiz on Important Battle with Answers - 6

1.      Who were Kamikazes?
2.      Who were Shoguns?
3.      Who led the renowned “Chindits” in guerrilla operations against the Japanese in Burma?
4.      Who fought the Opium war of 1839-42?
5.      Who “held the bridge” to prevent the Etruscans crossing the Tiber to Rome?
6.      During which war did Florence Nightingale Begin her work?
7.      Which European King and General built an empire in his own lifetime stretching from the Mediterranean to North-west India, yet died at the age of 33?
8.      Name the Chinese President who was forced by the Communists to retire in 1949.
9.      Which enemy did Drake refuse to fight until he had finished his game of bowls?
10.  At which battle was “The Charge of The Light Brigade”?

Answer to Important Battle 6

1.      Suicide Pilots.
2.      Military governors or dictators
3.      Major General Orde Charles Wingate
4.      Britain and China.
5.      Horatius.
6.      The Crimean War.
7.      Alexander, the Great.
8.      General Chiang Kai-Shek.
9.      The Spanish Armada.
10.  The Battle of Balaclava in 1854.

History Quiz on Important Battle with Answers - 7

1.      Who, after a distinguished military career, became President of the U.S.A. in 1952?
2.      Which year saw the ‘Emergence of Bangladesh’?
3.      Which famous German Battleship was destroyed in the North Atlantic in May, 1941?
4.      Which Spartan General was responsible for ending the Peloponnesian War?
5.      When was World War II commenced?
6.      When was World War I commenced?
7.      When was the War of American independence fought?
8.      Name the revolutionary leader who overthrew the Batista regime in Cuba.
9.      Which city was captured during the Greek-Trojan War by a trick involving a wooden horse?
10.  Who was the leader of the Vietnam revolutionary nationalist party of Indo-China and later the President of North Vietnam?

Answer to Important Battle 7

1.      Dwight D. Eisenhower.
2.      At the end of the 16 day Indo-Pakistan War in 1971, the Pakistani army surrendered on December 1 6, 1971 and Bangladesh was born.
3.      Bismarck.
4.      Lysander.
5.      September 3, 1939.
6.      August 4, 1914.
7.      1775.
8.      Fidel Castro.
9.      Troy.
10.  Dr. Ho Chi-Minh.

History Quiz on Important Battle with Answers - 8

1.      Which general of Ancient Carthage is associated with his march across the Alps, including elephants?
2.      Which Boer General became the first premier of the South African Union?
3.      This king won such a costly victory that his name is now associated with any victory which costs more than it is worth.
4.      When did Zimbabwe attain independence?
5.      Who fought the war of American Independence?
6.      When was World War I ended?
7.      When was World War II ended?
8.      Who were the Central Powers during the World War I?
9.      Who were Allied Powers during the World War I?
10.  When did Russia join World War I?
11.  When did Italy join World War I?
12.  When did Hitler commit suicide?

Answer to Important Battle 8

1.      Hannibal.
2.      Louis Botha.
3.      Pyrrhus.
4.      1980.
5.      Britain and North America.
6.      November 11, 1918.
7.      August 14, 1945.
8.      Germany, Australia-Hungary, Turkey and Bulgaria.
9.      England, France, Belgium, Serbia, Russia and Italy
10.  1915.
11.  1917.
12.  April 30, 1945 in Berlin.


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