Quiz on Jainism with Answers


Quiz on Jainism
by Santosh Kumar Biswa, Damphu Central School, Bhutan

1.      What is Jainism?
2.      On what the colossal structure of the universe does Jainism throws light?
3.      What two types of energy does Jainism believe?
4.      Who was the exponent of Jainism?
5.      When and where was Mahavir Born?
6.      When and where did Mahavir die?
7.      What are the Fundamentals of Jain Philosophy?
8.      How life is viewed according to Jain Religion?
9.      What does the Jain religion recognize?
10.  According to Jainism, into what two categories are the whole universe divided?
11.  What is ‘The Seven Tattvas’ in Jainism?
12.  What are the seven realities in Jainism?
13.  What is Jiva in Jainism?
14.  What is Ajiva in Jainism?
15.  What is Asrava in Jainism?
16.  What is Bandha in Jainism?
17.  What is Samvara in Jainism?
18.  What is Nirjara in Jainism?
19.  What is Moksha in Jainism?
20.  What are two kinds of souls believed in Jainism?
21.  What is Samsari in Jainism?
22.  What is Siddha in Jainism?


1.      Religion founded in the 6th century BC as a revolt against Hinduism; emphasizes asceticism and immortality and transmigration of the soul; denies existence of a perfect or Supreme Being
2.      Its shape, size, origin, purpose and mechanism
3.        The two types of energy that Jainism believes are:
·         The energy of mechanism, and
·         The energy of intelligence
4.       Mahavir
5.       599 BC at Kunda, Bihar
6.       527 BC at Parapuri in Bihar
7.       The whole cosmos is self-created, self ruled, self regulated and self-administered, according to the mighty and eternal cosmic law
8.       A gift of togetherness, accommodation, and assistance in a universe teeming with interdependent constituents
9.       The fundamental natural phenomenon of Symbiosis or mutual dependence, which forms the basis of the modern day science of ecology
10.  Jiva and Ajiva
11.  It is the Seven Realities
12.   The seven reralities in Janism are: Jiva, Ajiva, Asrava, Bandha, Samvara, Nirjara, Moksha
13.   Living substance
14.   Matter or non-living substance
15.   The influx of Karmic matter in the soul
16.   Bondage of soul by Karmic matter
17.   The stopping of Asrava
18.   The gradual removal of Karmic matter
19.   The attainment of perfect freedom or salvation
20.   Samsari and Siddha (Mukta)
21.   Mundane souls (the embodied souls of living beings in the world and are still subject to the cycle of Births and Deaths)
22.   Liberated souls


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